#9 The Lost Boys

On 2024.04.15, I gave a talk at Berea College in KY on the topic of working with foster youth in the group home setting- a talk which was informed by my experience working for Youth Villages. The focus is on what the experience has been like for me, what it’s like for the boys I work with and what some of society’s responsibilities might be towards indigent youth in its midst. The visual slideshow with for the talk may be found at fav.faizoro.com/lostboys and contains some additional information and resources such as a music playlist which you may find further enriches the topic.

#8 Newspaper Horse

On 2020.01.16 I lead a discussion in  a high-school class on world issues.  In this discussion I speak about the spiritual and social implications of the climate crisis facing today’s youth as we explore what sort of values and attitudes might be needed to survive the coming turmoil as species extinction accelerates and as the threat to humanity continues to evolve in unpredictable ways.

This is the second of a two part series of discussions I lead recently at Townshend International School in the Czech Republic where I am currently employed as a dorm parent.

The slideshow file may be found at link.faizoro.com/2020WITalk

#7 My Friend Darwin

Marine Iguana photo - one of the first creatures to inspire Darwin's big theory.
Marine Iguana photo – one of the first creatures to inspire Darwin’s big theory.

On 2020.01.13 I lead a discussion in  a high-school Biology class on Charles Darwin.  Darwin has profoundly inspired and guided me for over a decade as I became enthralled by his books, his thought and his personality.  This is a recording of that discussion.

This is the first of a two part series of discussions I lead recently at Townshend International School in the Czech Republic where I am employed as a dorm parent.

Show extended show notes may be found at link.faizoro.com/darwintalk2020.

#6 Ryan Lehning on C.G.Jung

An Old friend of mine, Ryan Lehning and I attempt to discuss Swiss Psychologist Carl Jung.  We end up talking about religion and Star Wars along with my wife Sunray who didn’t know she was being recorded.  It’s an interesting chat that I hope you’ll like.  I encourage you especially to check out Jung’s Memories, Dreams, Reflections and Answer to JobIf you liked this episode I think you might enjoy the Shrink Rap Radio podcast hosted by David Van Nuys Ph.D., especially episode 444 interviewing Malidoma Some.

#5 Vicki Mead conversation

In this episode, I call my oldest friend’s mother Vicki Mead – a psychotherapist and discuss a dream I had about her the previous night.  We talk about the field of psychology, about the juncture between religion and spirituality, the mentoring relationship and other subjects brought up by the dream.

#4 Sorry Racism

Today we enjoy a casual interview in the home of Juliet and Adam Crossley, members of the Bahá’í faith community of which I am also a member.  We explore race within the culture and teachings of this new world religious community in optimistic terms as well as some of the dynamics of inter-racial marriages and friendships.  This episode is actually part of a class project that involves a presentation delivered 2017.05.01, but I was happy to use the material for this enriching episode at the suggestion of my study group.

#2 – Dreams about Adolescence with Ethan Crofts

Listen to two fantastical dreams Ethan Crofts had that look at adolescence before and during.  What insights is he able to learn and how does the future look to him?  What resources and relationships will be important to him as he grows up?  Find out how dreams can help answer such questions.

#1 – Discussion with Hector Black – Quaker

Listen in as we learn about compassion and forgiveness from elderly Quaker gentleman named Hector Black.  What would the world be like if there were more forgiveness and mercy in the world?  We also hear about some of his life experiences and learn a little about Quaker history and some of the character of the culture.